NFL Kickoff is here at ECRC!
(As long as NFL = Noteworthy, Faithful Leaders)
Millions of Americans have been eagerly awaiting this weekend’s kickoff to the NFL Season (National Football League). The victory of my childhood favorite Detroit Lions over the Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs brought a smile to my face. Here in Chicago, there is hope that this very Sunday our own Bears could compete with the cheese-swilling Green Bay Packers.
Whatever enthusiasm I may feel about the return of fall football, I am exponentially more excited about Elmhurst CRC’s own peculiar NFL (Noteworthy, Faithful Leaders aka Elders, Deacons and members of the Senior Leadership Team) who gathered for an extended period on Sunday, August 27 in order to discern goals for our congregation for the ministry season ahead.
Our NFL has set three goals for folks who are “all in” at Elmhurst CRC. One goal was set for each of the three dimensions in which we envision the Holy Spirit helping us to grow:
UP in worship, IN with deeper community life, and OUT in service and outreach.
We want to live out the words of Colossians 3:17:
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him.
We desire to grow in the confidence that worship encompasses all of life, both inside and outside the Sanctuary.
We continue to raise the banner for vibrant youth ministry, calling for a (re)investment from parents, families, and church community.
We will multiply the power-of-an-invitation by challenging “All In” members to make at least ONE MORE invitation this year to a ministry that they enjoy and benefit from.
Good news is meant to be shared!
In the coming weeks, I’ll be writing more deeply about each of these three goals and what success for our community could look like in the year ahead.
In the meantime, it does feel like this Sunday marks the kickoff of a new season in church life together, in our shared spiritual journey as the Body of Christ. I encourage you to do all in your power to be present this Sunday not only in body, but to arrange your weekend and morning so that your SPIRIT arrives ready to offer prayer and praises, and to receive a new Word from the Lord.
Grace to you,
– Pastor Gregg