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Hurricane Winds

Hurricane Winds

October 11, 2024 by Gregg DeMey

One afternoon last winter, I was waiting at the deli counter of the local Jewel, when two young adults began lamenting the state of geo-politics and geo-weather. In a short span, they went from some basic concerns about our democracy and global warming to conclusive statements about why they would never have children and the imminent end of the world. It got pretty heavy pretty fast.

That conversation has haunted me in the intervening months. It’s been a helpful touchpoint for this middle-aged man to try to understand what’s going on inside the minds and hearts of our young adults. There’s a lot of anxiety and genuine despair for humanity’s future.

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October 4, 2024 by Gregg DeMey

Homecoming is the tradition of welcoming back alumni or other former members of an organization in order to celebrate. It is a tradition by many high schools, colleges, and universities in the United States and Canada – and sometimes even churches!

This fall marks the 75th anniversary of our existence as a Christian Reformed Church. First located in Bellwood from 1949-1963, then in Elmhurst from 1964 until the present. To celebrate, we’ve invited many former members and friends to return and join in the fun.

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Feel the Momentum

Feel the Momentum

September 20, 2024 by Gregg DeMey

There’s been a lot of great things happening around the Elmhurst CRC community lately. Here’s a short catalog of just a few of the momentum building events that happened during a four week stretch over the summer.

  • We had an amazing group of new members join ECRC, more than two dozen strong.
  • We had thirty young adults make public profession of faith along with some beautiful baptisms.
  • We’re working hard behind the scenes to bring the Elmhurst Farmers Market into our parking lot in 2025.

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Back in Business

Back in Business

September 13, 2024 by Gregg DeMey

This week, we officially got back to business at Elmhurst CRC. All of our groups and ministries have officially launched. Wednesday was an especially big day: nervous and excited kids arrived for the first sessions of Little Lambs throughout the day, and dozens and dozens of grownups arrived for CoffeeBreak Bible Study. In the evening, there were more Bible studies, a choir rehearsing, a Grief support group, committees getting church business done, a giant symphony orchestra practicing in the Worship Center, and off site there was a crowd of GEMS girls gathered for a swim party. I love it when the church is alive with so much activity!

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Let's Go to Church

Let's Go to Church

September 6, 2024 by Gregg DeMey

When you hear the phrase, “Let’s go to church,” what image comes to mind?

Do you see your destination as a particular place or building? Perhaps a special sanctuary? Or do you see people? Is the “church” you envision organic and alive, or inorganic and static?

Most of us are conditioned to think of “church” primarily as a building or location. To some degree, this is a function of our language. We only have one word in English to cover the many meanings of church, and it’s much easier to imagine a solid building like we have at Elmhurst CRC than the concept of community or fellowship. But that’s not how it works in the Bible.

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Labor Day Top Ten

Labor Day Top Ten

August 30, 2024 by Gregg DeMey

This Labor Day, I’m joining the ranks of those who are traveling and vacationing. I’ll be heading up to Minnesota with Sarah and our daughter, newly arrived from Spain, to visit our son who goes to school there in the land of 10,000 lakes. It will be the first time our little family has been all together in the same place in nearly two years. We’re all so excited!

This holiday trip is a little unusual for us. Typically, we stay around Chicago and stick with our regular responsibilities over Labor Day weekend. I confess that I’ve had a little envy over the years towards those who get to celebrate “the official end of summer” at a cottage or a campout. If that describes you this year, or if your current amount of “labor” responsibility has you anxious, don’t despair.

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