Spring Break Versus Holy Week
Every few years, on average, our local schools’ spring break crashes into the Holy Week (Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday) on the calendar. 2024 is one of those years! At the risk of casting a little shade at those who are seeking the sun in warmer climates, I’d like to do a little side-by-side comparison between the two experiences. The best of all possible worlds is to enjoy the benefits that both opportunities afford!
Spring Break
Palm trees swaying in tropical breezes
Crowds on the beach
Gas Station Stops in multiple states
Friends/Family create extra drama
Lots of meals in restaurants
Thirsty Thursday
Bare Feet in the Sand
Sunburnt by Friday
Bummed about going home by Saturday
Up at the crack of dawn to travel home
Sleeping in
Holy Week
Palm Sunday, swaying to your fav hymns
Crowds shouting, “Hosanna in the highest!
Prayer stations set up in the Garden Room
Pharisees create extra drama
Meal in the Upper Room
Maundy Thursday
Bare Feet for footwashing
Candlelight on Good Friday
Sad that Jesus is in the tomb on Saturda
Easter Sunrise Service
Jesus is risen – Risen, indeed!
For those of you who are on the road this week, Godspeed on your travels. Enjoy the gift of a week that is different from the regular routine and the joy of experiencing other parts of this great country and world! As you have the opportunity to join with the Christian community for worship on the days of Holy Week, please do so and notice how our brothers and sisters worship both similarly and differently from your church back home!
For those of you who staying around Chicago and enjoying our early Spring weather (can hardly believe that daffodils and magnolias are already in full bloom), you are invited to make the most of this Holy Week by saying “yes” to the following invitations as we seek to walk together in Jesus’ footsteps and remember how he lived and died for us. Please come for:
– Palm Sunday worship at 10:00 a.m., complete with a palm parade around the Sanctuary
– Prayer Stations in the Garden Room, open throughout the week, for personal prayer and meditation
– Maundy Thursday worship at 7:00 p.m. on the 28th as we relive the events that happened in the upper room in Jerusalem when Jesus transformed the typical Passover meal into what we now know as the Sacrament of Communion
– Good Friday worship at 7:00 p.m. on the 29th as we remember the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice for us on the cross.
– Easter Sunday: - 6:45 a.m. Sunrise service in the East parking lot
Worship Services at 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary
Wherever you are this week, may God bless you with a deep sense of Jesus’ love.
– Pastor Gregg