5th Sunday Serve

5th Sunday Serve

Mar 30 | 10 AM

On the 5th Sunday of the month, we reach out to serve our neighbors. We call it 5th Sunday Serve.

On Sunday, March 30, we’ll be partnering with York Outreach providing local families with bags of food essentials, a small gift, and an invitation to a Summer Fun Fest in late June.

Pre-5th Sunday Serve Service Option
We’re collecting 1,200 bags of rice and 1,200 bags of dry beans to include in the food essentials gift bags.Sign up today to donate bags and drop them off at the church as soon as possible!

March 30 Serve Options:
Pack Food and Deliver – There are families near our church who need food assistance during Spring Break. We’ve gathered a variety of foods to distribute to these families. In this project, you’ll pack one or more bags of food for a family and either deliver it personally or join a team at one of our nearby and local delivery sites. The project will run from 10:00 AM until around 11:30 AM. Needed: 70

Indigo Indigo is the memory care facility right next door to our church. Pastor Gregg will lead a team to worship, pray, and visit with the residents, offering the blessing of interaction and engagement. Needed: 30

Jubilee Furniture – Jubilee Furniture is the resale store connected to Timothy Christian Schools and Outreach York. There are two areas of need at the store:

  • Landscape cleanup outside, including trimming bushes, general grounds cleanup, and some weed whacking.
  • Clothes sorting – As donations continue to arrive, they need to be sorted and priced for resale.
  • Needed: 50

Donate Rice & Beans Sign up

5th Sunday Serve Sign-Up

Blood Drive

Next SpringHill Day Camp