Coffee Break

A Community Bible Study

Coffee Break Bible Study is a comfortable and supportive place to connect with others. We start with coffee and conversation, and then move into a short introductory presentation which includes music, videos and/or speakers. After that, we break into groups to study the Bible. No Bible experience is necessary and everyone is welcome.

Current attendees describe Coffee Break as:

  • comfortable
  • supportive
  • non-judgmental
  • encouraging
  • groups with vibrant discussions
  • a place to connect

Coffee Break is for everyone: daytime groups for women, Wednesday evening groups for mixed groups of men and women, and groups for women only.

Coffee Break 2024/25 Studies
Genesis 1-12. This fall, we'll delve into some familiar stories in a deeper way. We'll explore a personal God who desires a relationship with His creation, examine why we keep making mistakes, and see how God shows grace even when we go our own way.

In January, we'll begin a mini-study on Shalom, the promise of peace. Following that, we'll explore the book of Philippians, Jesus our Joy. In Philippians, we uncover Paul's secret: a life lived for the glory of God will overflow with joy. What a powerful message for our hurting world!

Coffee Break meets from September through April at these times:

  • Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 9ish to 11 a.m.
  • Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8:30 p.m.

Free childcare (ages 0 through 2 years) is provided for the morning sessions on Wednesday and Thursday. Little Lambs Preschool Experience (ages 3 through 6 years) is also available during Coffee Break. Check details, times, and costs here.

9 am coffee and fellowship, 9:15 am start time

Register for Fall 2024



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Sisters Helping Each Other

Single Mothers Support Group

Our Mission is to serve the needs of single mothers while encourage them to help each other.
We are about - our future - our children. We are about the family and the courage it takes to face the day-to-day challenges of raising healthy and happy children as a single parent.
We are about faith - a biblically-based ministry, and we believe in our Creator and His ability to move mountains in our lives to live a more Godly life.

Join us this fall!

Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 Meeting Dates:
2024: Sep 8, Oct 13, Nov 17, Dec 8
2025: Jan 12, Feb 9, Mar 9, Apr 13, May 18

Watch: Video follow-ups for our 2024 are available online below

Basic Needs, Counseling /Mentoring /Support Groups, Referrals Services, Parenting & Children, Housing /Shelters, Legal Assistance



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Resource List
