What Does the Holy Spirit Do?
"I definitely pray for like celebrities to fall in love with me."
"God give me courtside tickets to the Lakers."
"God just let me lose 20 pounds."
"I prayed a couple times to win the lottery, or my Eagles win. That's even more. I pray a lot, I pray for too much. I think I've abused my prayers."
"Getting Justin Bieber to fall in love with me. No prayer is ridiculous."
"To not fail man. Praying to I'd see a meteorite fall. I did. Fail, man. I pray for $100 When I was really young, I had a kind of a dangerous medical situation. I remember praying God, please don't let me die before I have sex."
"God, could you please make this girl fall in love with me?"
"I think, for the most part, I know God's not gonna, like you know, give me a million dollars. So I feel like it's, I don't really ask much. You know?"
I love these alpha "man on the street" interviews. This one's awesome. What is the most ridiculous thing you've ever prayed for? How would you answer that? Do you know that the Holy Spirit will actually pray for you? Romans eight says if you don't know what to pray for, the Holy Spirit will pray for you. That's this week's Alpha question. What is the Holy Spirit do? Come out this week and find out what else the Holy Spirit's up to. And better yet bring a friend to join the conversation.