The 10-10-80 Rule

The 10-10-80 Rule

October 31, 2024 by Gregg DeMey

Over the years, a number of well-intentioned parishioners have asked me some version of this question: “Does the Bible teach that I have to tithe?” This question is usually accompanied by wondering, “And does that mean tithing on my gross income or net?”

The Bible definitely talks quite a bit about the practice of tithing, which can be simply defined as offering “1/10th of one’s produce or earnings.” It was part of the Law of God given to ancient Israel to offer a tithe of their livelihood for the worship life of the nation (tabernacle, temple, priests). It's not a big shocker that Israel often failed to do this. Also not a big shocker that the American church also comes nowhere close to collectively tithing on our livelihoods despite the fact America is the most successful and generous nation on the planet.

There is a divine-yet-earthy genius behind the practice of tithing. Giving 10% of your livelihood back to God is brilliant because: #1) It’s easy to do the math! And #2) 10% is a high enough number to catch your attention regardless of how little or much you make. There were times in my adult life when tithing put my family at risk of not having enough to pay the basic bills. These days, now that my wife and I both have full-time jobs, that first 10% can seem like an awfully big number! Do we really need to keep doing this?!

This Sunday in worship, you will hear about the self-giving nature of God and how God is faithful in providing signs to help us take the next step in following him. One of the simplest ways to imitate the self-giving nature of God is through the practice of tithing; it’s pretty easy to measure and keep track of. We don’t tithe because we have to. Many followers of Jesus voluntarily embrace the discipline of tithing as a way of imitating the generous nature of our God. Mature people actually want to tithe in imitation of Christ. And wise people keep tithing even when they don’t totally want to or feel like it.

These days, there’s a growing recognition even outside the church that charitable giving is good for us, our mental health, and the spiritual hygiene of our society. Even the NASDAQ has articles on their website about the common sense wisdom behind tithing. A user-friendly way of putting it is in the 10-10-80 rule. Here’s how it works:

The First 10% = give it God

The Second 10% = wisely save

Can include emergency savings, retirement savings, or an IRA or 401(k) plan

The remaining 80% = live off it and steward well

Including mortgage, bills, groceries, entertainment, child care, tuition, travel, clothes etc…

Here’s what I know: When people structure their financial lives in this way and give away their first and best, it also opens our grace receptors to everything God is giving us. It’s an enduring truth that we can never outgive God! Jesus has given it all. Jesus has paid it all. Lord willing, worship this Sunday at Elmhurst CRC will be a beautiful reminder of that as we gather around Jesus’ table once again to remember his graceful work and sacrifice for us.

– Pastor Gregg

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