Lynda Clousing, Director

Beth Bardolph, Associate Director

Rachel de Waal Malefyt, Session Coordinator
Who are the Staff Members for Little Lambs?
The Director is Lynda Clousing. The Associate Director is Beth Bardolph, and Rachel de Waal Malefyt is our Session Coordinator.
We rely on our faithful volunteers who work weekly with the children, supported by substitutes. Some of the staff participants are certified teachers, and others are dedicated volunteers who love children. All of our volunteers are screened, trained, and work closely with the Director, the Associate Director, and the Session Coordinators. Our staff includes the following teaching positions, with the maximum student/teacher ratios indicated:
Bible teachers (Maximum of 10 children/1 adult)
Creative Learning teachers (Maximum of 10 children/1 adult)
Music teachers (Maximum of 20 children/3 adults)
Free Play teachers (Maximum of 20 children/3 adults)
Craft teachers (Maximum of 20 children/5 adults)
If you are interested in volunteering, please indicate that on your child’s registration or email us. Volunteers are required to attend a virtual or in-person curriculum training every year and must pass a background screening and a DCFS Mandatory Reporter training which are repeated every three years. Each volunteer receives a binder with detailed schedules and instructions.