Join us for the 2025 Congregational Meeting of Elmhurst CRC on Sunday, February 9, at 11:15 am.

The meeting will be in-person and online* and will include a recap of the good things that happened in 2024 at Elmhurst CRC, the selection of elders and deacons, and the presentation of the Elmhurst Ministry Fund (EMF) 2024 budget for approval.

Click below for full details and access to all the meeting resources:

* Watch and participate online; the viewing screen above will go live at 11:05 am on Sunday.

Sunday, February 9, we held our annual church congregational meeting after the service; a recap is below, and complete meeting resources are here.

Elmhurst Ministries Fund (EMF) 2025 budget was approved.
The following members were elected to the offices of:
Elder: Todd Buikema, Bryan Rieger, Don Slager, Tara Tameling
Deacon: Mike de Waal Malefyt, Mike Holtrop, Steve Vander Wal, Stacy Wiegers
Senior Leadership Team (SLT) Members Presented:
Dawn Feenstra and Justin VenHousen

Thank you to outgoing members:
Elders: Linda Groenewold, Don Van Beek, John Vander Kamp, Lisa Zylstra
Deacons: Steve Hengst, Kristen Loerop, Sean McNichols, Brent Molendyke
SLT: Todd Bouman

Thank you to all who serveand served. As a body, we have been blessed with your wisdom, dedication, and passion as you have served faithfully and well, effectively ministering to our members, community, and world.