Congratulations to our Graduates!


God's Blessings to You! We're proud of your accomplishment.

Middle School
Joseph Buikema - Timothy Christian, Naomi Hengst - Timothy Christian, Noah Jones - Glenn Westlake, Fiona Kelly - Timothy Christian, Kinsley Kramer - Bryan, Ryne Lanenga - Timothy Christian, Phoebe Leppink - Timothy Christian, Cole McQuade - Timothy Christian, Parker Lowry - Timothy Christian, Calvin Nofziger - Timothy Christian, Eleanor Sanchez - Stevenson, Joshua Slinkman - Timothy Christian, Merritt Stolzenbach - Timothy Christian, Levi Tameling - Timothy Christian, Jenna Torres - Timothy Christian, Maddie Turner - Timothy Christian, Jason Vogt - Timothy Christian, Lucy Wilgenburg - Timothy Christian

High School

Caleb Bode
- Timothy Christian, Brandon Cello - York, Camden Gunn - Timothy Christian, Chloe Leppink - Timothy Christian, Clare McQuade - Timothy Christian, Mac Olson - York, Tanner Roemmich - Timothy Christian, Jack Schaafsma - Timothy Christian, Trey Slinkman - Timothy Christian, Christiaan Start - Timothy Christian, Abby Tameling - Timothy Christian, Tessa Van Hout - Timothy Christian, Jay VanderMolen - Timothy Christian, Addy Vogelzang - Timothy Christian, Luke Wallace - York, Lauren Wiegers - Timothy Christian, Tyler Wolterstorff - Timothy Christian, Habonimana Zuena - Wheaton North

College/Higher Ed
Rachel Beles - BA in Music Pedagogy & Music Performance Flute from Wheaton College
Olivia DeJong - BA in Psychology from Trinity Christian College
Will DeMey - Luthier Program of Minnesota State
Calvin Groenewold - BA in Social Science from Florida State University
Abby Groenewold - BS in Exercise Science from University of Evansville
Julia Klooster - BS in Biology from Calvin University
Ethan Roemmich - M.Acc. from Drake University
Sara Roozeboom - BA in Special Education from Trinity Christian College
Abby Schaafsma - BS in Early Childhood Education from Grand Canyon University
Harrison Stanton - BS in Math with Applied Math concentration from Wheaton College
Jonathan Stremler - BS in Accounting from Calvin University
Elise Terpstra - BA in Elementary Education and Spanish from Asbury University
Adam Van Prooyen - BA in Political Science from University of Alabama
Chloe VerHagen - BA in Nutrition and Dietetics from Illinois State University